Saturday 23 July 2011

Sin City - Portal spoof/crossover

I felt like creating something that was a spoof of something in the style of something else.
So I went about selecting two things of moderate importance to me (I didn't want to do a big project of huge proportions). At first I was going to do a constructivist propaganda poster for The Lord of the Rings but then I decided that I couldn't find enough quality images to use online, so I thought I might crossover Portal and Sin City (because GLaDOS is a massive gangster, and totally belongs in Sin City).
So I found a high resolution picture of GLaDOS, desaturated it, messed around with the levels in Photoshop, added some motion blurred monochrome white noise for rain effects (a couple of times with different blending options for different layers of rain).
Cut and replaced some colours from the original picture for a touch of Tarantino red.
And finally added a relevant Sin City quote.
This is the final:
This is a previous version that I think is more aesthetically pleasing however it does not fit with the darker Sin-City-esque styling that I wanted for the final.

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