Sunday 10 July 2011

New Banner!

So the pics for the bed have gone on hold for the next few minutes so I could put my love of celtic knotwork on the web. For all to see!
The new banner for this site has been designed by me. Its based on a number of different celtic knots and was created through my wanting to learn how to draw them, learning to do so, deciding that a computer has a much steadier hand than I do, and then designing the whole thing digitally.
I have a number of different versions other than the one used in the banner but I'll only post the version most relevant to its evolution to final form. The evolution in concept was from 2 axis reflection symmetry with a tribal tattoo style towards rotation symmetry, knot styled.
Maybe one day soon I'll actually tie this knot (unlikely however).
Final form

Earlier form, with no overlaps
I also changed to a nicer (ish) font and did some stylizing to using gradients so it would stand out.

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