Saturday 24 August 2013


Working with Processing for Uni, mainly creating my hybrid work, however I also have been practicing trying to create really really short programs really quickly. For storytelling I am still constructing ideas and how/what to do. For my personal work at the moment I've decided to ditch Cinder and begin working in openFrameworks because it has a gigantic community and seems to be more supported. Either way they are both C++ so it should be fine.

Hybrid Work
Working with the twitter4j library in processing along with a 3D simple gravity system to produce a data visualisation of hashtags. It can talk to arduinos as well, through Serial.write(). Still in progress and not polished however its moving along quite rapidly. Heres some of the preliminary photos of it.

Really Really Short Programs
I got bored and wrote a program in 5 minutes.
I call it 256 Shades of Grey.

I have been playing around with computer vision and I've been trying to get the addon for face and expression detection working (unsuccessfully).
I did manage to get the openCv addon working (with the help of a couple of the examples).
Next step is controlling an arduino, or outputting sound.

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