Tuesday 9 June 2015

Research write-up

Over the course of my photomosaic project I have needed to do a bunch of research into the art form and the available software out there.

Most of the software/services that I found either didn't match images very well (see app i. Accurate matching), only match to a grid (see app ii. IPA vs API), scale everything down (see app. iii. Scaling up) or repeat images (app iv. How to avoid repeats).

I found someone who claims to be the "inventor" of the photomosaic here, and while, yes he has photomosaics, they are all only matched to a grid.

I found a photomosaic stiching program called mazaika, and while the feature list is quite impressive, it has less accurate matching than my sofware and only matches to a grid. It also uses the (terrible IMO) feature to mask bad matching, where it colour corrects the images to the reference image.

I ran across an interesting method of grid mosaic tile matching using a "nearest neighbour" algorithm. This leverages machine learning to create a satisfactory result, however it does so to an approximation accuracy rather than an exact one. Also the creator has a good flow for generating tiles.

I've also read up on some of the other methods that people have used to create mosaics both online and offline, most of them only use one technique and/or modify the source images rather than arranging them.

Here is a quick list of some of the options that I investigated:

  • http://www.theartoftylerjordan.com/make-an-easy-photo-mosaic-in-photoshop-2/
  • http://www.mazaika.com/
  • http://tvldz.tumblr.com/
  • http://www.photomosaic.com/portfolio.html
  • http://mosaically.com/
  • http://www.canvaspop.com/photo-mosaic
  • http://www.mosaizer.com/

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