Tuesday 14 May 2013

FishBirds updates

I've been working on the FishBirds continuously since my last post. In that time I have moved from the local branch to developing a networked version which no longer uses a ControlFrame and which supports MIDI, to developing a networked version which has no midi control and no control sketch, it is controlled using TouchOSC.

Currently the TouchOSC branch has the most features, just because its the branch which I'm using the most.

I think that they are as complete as I will have them for the foreseeable future, so for the time being I'm going to focus on developing my skills coding other methods of simulating behaviour and manipulating those algorithms. I'm working my way through Shiffmans "The Nature of Code", to help me get the skills that I need. Its a fascinating read, and my coding has already improved.

I will return to the FishBirds when I can write genetic algorithms.

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