So far I've implemented a number of php scripts which control the content that goes on the page. There is a couple of small php scripts that read files out of a directory and draw them to canvas, and there is also an upload script, so that anyone can submit a sketch. The inputs of the php upload script are sanitised so that no-one can upload malicious code. It only accepts pde files.
I've also implemented a navigation bar that uses jQuery smoothscroll to navigate to different points on the page that are written using the php scripts. The navbar itself is populated by using a php script, so that it remains up to date.
Skrollr was also implemented to give parallax scrolling effect to the background.
I encountered a strange error concerning this when I was building the site. At a certain point (not the end of the page) the parallax effect would stop. The background would not scroll, it fixed itself.
So I did what any other web developer would do, check the web dev tools, however when I checked the tools, the background started behaving as it should. I could even close the inspector and it would still work. If I refreshed the page it would have the same problem as when I started.
I eventually found a solution to this though.
I eventually found a solution to this though.
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