Wednesday 24 April 2013

Github, and finished project.

I started a git, and started some repositories.

Everything is on there. I'm not going to speak much about it because most of its in the readme and I don't want to repeat myself, because I hate repeating myself.

But I will say this: that project, was HUGE.

I have used 3 new programs, 2 new languages, learned to use 2 new libraries. And then compiled all that into a single project, learned how to use Git. Then wrote a 1300 word readme.

Goodnight internets.

I've been working on the site for a while now as an exhibition space for processing sketches.

So far I've implemented a number of php scripts which control the content that goes on the page. There is a couple of small php scripts that read files out of a directory and draw them to canvas, and there is also an upload script, so that anyone can submit a sketch. The inputs of the php upload script are sanitised so that no-one can upload malicious code. It only accepts pde files.

I've also implemented a navigation bar that uses jQuery smoothscroll to navigate to different points on the page that are written using the php scripts. The navbar itself is populated by using a php script, so that it remains up to date.

Skrollr was also implemented to give parallax scrolling effect to the background.
I encountered a strange error concerning this when I was building the site. At a certain point (not the end of the page) the parallax effect would stop. The background would not scroll, it fixed itself.
So I did what any other web developer would do, check the web dev tools, however when I checked the tools, the background started behaving as it should. I could even close the inspector and it would still work. If I refreshed the page it would have the same problem as when I started.
I eventually found a solution to this though.

Monday 1 April 2013

Joomla! and Our Social Lubricant

An update on what exactly I've been doing for the past couple of weeks.
I've been becoming more acquainted with Joomla!
The learning curve was steep at first, but once I got the hang of it, I don't know what I would do without it.
Its so fast to do everything, set it all up and change it to meet the specifications. Theres almost always a module out there that will do anything.

The test site that I've been working with is the beginnings of a project with another student and a group of her friends called Our Social Lubricant. Its currently live at, I'm temporarily hosting it on my subdomain because its easier and I can easily share it with the clients.
Currently there is very little actual content on the site, its mostly just odds and ends and placeholders, however the frameworks are in place to deal with content once its actually a part of the site.

I've been developing my skills with CSS mainly but also working out stuff to do with how CMS systems work.

At this point almost everything on the site works (except for a few minor details that I'll get to over the next couple of days.

Ill edit this post later with an itemised list of the features/modules that I've been playing around with on this site so far.