Thursday 8 March 2012

NO LONGER my main piece for Digital Video

So this post was for the first project for digital video.

I'd been creating a calming advertisement to try and get people out and about.
Not hugely filled with effort, and I didn't spend a huge amount of time thinking about the layout or storyboard etc.

I got most of  my influence for this piece from the movie Baraka, and Boards of Canada (as can be seen that I'm using one of their songs for the audio track).
Ideally I would have loved to do this piece in widescreen with 12 panels instead of just 9 however this would have taken me too long, and I didn't want to go overboard. Not just yet anyway.

Most of the time that I spent creating this piece was timing the fade ins and outs for the different panels, so I didn't do anything particularly complex, maybe in a future piece I will go back and explore doing this in widescreen with more panels and more complex fade ins/outs for them.
Also with the fade ins/outs the last pale to be displayed does take a little longer to fade in and also is left to fade out a little longer. This was done intentionally to bring sue resolution to the action, and to draw the the sequence out a little longer to give a more calming effect.

I tried to make sure that I didn't use the same clip twice for any of the panels, I did this by renaming all the clips that I used in the previous wave before moving onto the next one.
I got the panels symmetrically placed and evenly spaced by placing the corner one and then placing the rest based on the values of the location of that corner in relation to centre (i.e. the bottom corner was at 226,174, the centre at 0).

The text used in this piece is designed to be personal, so that it can be a little funny towards the end. The video calling you a lazy bastard would be quite insulting if the video didn't a) introduce itself, and b) use slang implying friendship/personality behind the video.

This is my first experiment in giving character to a video, hopefully this will evolve into being able to develop some more interesting and relatable characters, rather than ones facelessly that tell you to go outside.

I really like this piece, its slightly humorous, touches on an issue which is difficult for many people act on, and in my opinion stylistically enjoyable to watch.

The video should be embedded below.
And some screenshots of final cut during production should be below that.


1 comment:

  1. So now I'm really pissed off about this piece because I'm not able to submit it under this assessment criteria. Because apparently i didn't use the "right" stock footage.

    This is BULLSHIT!

    I want a refund.
