Monday, 9 November 2015

Image in Transition

For this class I decided to record/perform one of the types of work that I've been doing with John Mackey as both music videos and live performances.

A lot of my works seem to have been heavily influenced by the shiny colours of Johns saxophone, and the smoothness of some of his works.

The programs that I've been writing using the leap motion are very meditative when performed, i.e. I tend to zonk out and just go with it during the performances because it just feels good.

I tried different colour schemes and methods of control during the project, but I found that I wasn't really happy using some of the stronger, non-primary colours and I really liked a side effect of combining a rim-highlighting shader, an edge shader, and a bloom shader together (the glowing gold effect) on the cloth. I've also had some success with that effect and previous work done with JM using it.

During this project I wrote a 3D cloth physics simulation (for the stringy bits) that uses Verlet integration for the physics and a new method of interpolating the cloth vertices to achieve a smoother cloth for a significantly smaller cost in processing power.

The finished product without titles:

Thursday, 5 November 2015

After image

For this homework/class I have created a brightly coloured flashy thing that seems to break the brain.
I really like this kind of thing and I'm now working on a set like this that can be played using a step sequencer.
Unfortunately the colours didn't come out very well in the transcode, they are meant to be primary blue and yellow.