Sunday, 13 April 2014

Update on Major Project

I think this project deserves an update.

I've been messing around with ofxNSWindower, and have managed to get a fullscreen GL context on one screen while maintaining a control GUI on the other. Ive been told to invest a little more in the visual component of this artwork so I'm going to start doing that a bit more. A quick gallery of stills:

Squarees(left), and Squidees(right) being projected on the Peter Karmel building at ANU:

a screenshot of Fluidees:

and a screenshot of Rainees (they do actually move):

I've also been working on another project that grabs short video clips and incrementally loops them called VideoSquarees (this has been updated to run more efficiently, and with a longer loop cycle): 

I put some of my efforts into what might be considered a side project unless I can find an application for it in the overarching project: